Rick Sweeney
2 min readOct 9, 2020


A very wise person once said, “Watch your language.” They did not mean to avoid cuss words. They were teaching about the importance of words used correctly. Words matter.

So, I thought it might be helpful to share some definitions of words that I have heard being misused.

DEBATE: For two sides to deliberate, consider and discuss in a public forum. That is not what we saw in the Presidential debate last week. It was an obscene embarrassment to our country. It was not healthy or helpful at all.

COMMUNISM: Theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common with a total absence of capitalism. No one in the current political scene is a communist. This word has been used as a scare tactic since the 1940’s.

SOCIALISM: Belief that some essential goods and services should not be provided by profit driven capitalism. There are already socialist aspects of our lives in this country. We allow the government to provide or regulate things like the military, the police, water, utilities, education, roads and highways, social security, and others. There is debate as to whether or not health care should be one of those essential needs. Capitalism and socialism can and do co-exist. What we need to debate is the balance.

LIBERAL: A person who is favorable to progress and reform.

CONSERVATIVE: A person disposed to preserve existing conditions and to resist change.

FASCIST: One who believes in far- right authoritarian ultra- nationalism characterized by dictatorial power and forcible suppression of opposition. Nazi groups are fascist.

ANTIFA: A shortened version of being opposed to fascism. This was the position of the U. S. in World War II. Now it is a philosophy more than an organized group.

PATRIOTISM: Devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country. “A patriot supports his country always and his government when they deserve it.” (Thomas Jefferson) Criticism of the government is not unpatriotic.

RACISM: Discrimination or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically a minority or marginalized group. This has many levels and takes forms from institutional to personal. White supremacists are an extreme example of racists.

Name calling of any kind is beneath the dignity of adults, especially those who seek to lead our nation. I wish they would all stop acting like 5th graders .No matter which side you are on, let’s all be careful with words so that ideas can be debated in a mature and helpful manner.



Rick Sweeney

The Reverend Dr. Richard Sweeney, Rick, is a retired Presbyterian pastor and author. Rick lives with his wife, Prudy, in Greensburg, PA.