This is the scripture passage that was preached at my ordination 40 years ago.
Mortal, I have made you a watchman over my people. If you have heard a word from my mouth you shall give them warning from me.
Ezekiel 3: 17
I feel compelled to pull the alarm. I love this country and what it is supposed to stand for. I believe that it is a blessing from God. But when it turns away from what is right, then I feel compelled to sound the warning. Here are a few of the things that have happened recently that make me believe that a call back to justice and righteousness are in order.
1.The President has the right to nominate a candidate for the Supreme Court. But when one party withholds that right from a President of the other party and then reverses course, it is unjust. If Merritt Garland were on the court, I would defend the right of the current president to nominate a justice to replace RBG
2. A pastor from Texas, Robert Henderson, claims that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died because he prayed that she would die. Turn in your Christian card Mr. Henderson.
3. Now the current President is saying that if he does not win the election, he will refuse to leave the office. This would mean that there would be no peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our history. This is exactly what the writers of the constitution feared the most; that there would be a KING instead of an elected executive. If this is allowed to occur, it will mark the end of our democracy; this gift that we have from God.
4. I believe that the separation of church and state is an essential part of our democracy. Churches and pastors who endorse a candidate are violating that sacred separation. This does not mean that Christian people are not supposed to be involved in politics. Indeed, that is a sacred responsibility. I will not ask you to vote one way or another. But I would urge you to consider the teachings of Jesus in deciding what candidate you will support. I would not trust a politician who tells you how to pray nor a preacher who tells you how to vote.
5, Even if you have not voted in the past for whatever reason, you and your country cannot afford for you to sit this one out. VOTE! Though he is not on the ballot, vote for what Jesus represents. This election is not about Democrats and Republicans. It is about the continuation of our democracy.
6. I have friends who say that are single issue voters. Their issue is abortion. I have mentioned in the past that I am pro- life. But that means so much more than just being opposed to abortion. If one is to truly follow the teachings of Jesus, then one must care what happens to the child AFTER the child is born as well as before.
7. Basic human rights that Jesus would affirm are feeding the hungry and talking care of the water systems in cities and providing education for all people, and basic health care and true justice for all people. These are to be provided, not just for those who can afford it, but for all of the children who were not aborted and all of us.
8. Evangelical support for one man, regardless of his behaviors is idolatry.
9. Systemic and personal racisms are an affront to the Savior. Black Lives Matter is not a terrorist organization. It is an oppressed people who are tired of the injustice and inexcusable violence that is being done to them.
Try to hear these words from Habakkuk as if you were black or poor or an immigrant or gay in America.
O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not listen? Or cry to you, ‘violence’ and you will not save? Why do you make me see wrong- doing and look at trouble? Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. So the law becomes slack and justice never prevails. The wicked surround the righteous, therefore judgment comes forth perverted.