Rick Sweeney
3 min readMar 25, 2020


Photo by Shane on Unsplash

I have never known a time such as this. There is little else that people are thinking about or talking about. Here are a few random thoughts from a preacher with nothing much to do.

I feel bad for the people who must go to work either because we need them (Doctors, nurses, EMTs fire fighters, truck drivers and others) or because they can’t afford to not go to work and lose their income.

I am learning how much I have taken some things for granted that I will treasure all the more when this is all over. For me it is hugging my grandchildren, gathering with friends and neighbors, corporate worship, preaching, travel, entertainment like ball games and movies and plays and concerts, shopping without fear and many more.

I feel bad for pastors. There have been few times when church members needed pastoral care more than right now. They can’t visit. That is terribly hard for most pastors I know. Staying in touch electronically is better than noting, but no substitute for presence.

Worry and depression are taking a great toll on people. I’ts hard to tell people not to worry.

Has anyone else noticed how often Donald Trump uses the word incredible? He means it as a very positive assessment of the things he does. But it’s true meaning is that which is not credible. When you have a history of not telling the truth on a regular basis people start to take everything you say in a crisis as incredible.

I find it interesting that folks who were crying about the demon they called Socialism are now all in favor of the government spending trillions to bail out corporations. I am not saying it is wrong to do that. It’s just ironic that now this very socialist action seems good to some. I guess it depends on where you are seated.

Here are the funniest posts I have seen during this mess.

In the movie Tangled, the mother isolates her daughter Rapunzel to protect her from the evils of the town. The town is called Corona.

How long do I have to maintain isolation? My husband keeps trying to get into the house.

Home schooling is too hard. Math is the devils doings.

I am home schooling my kids. One little snot called in a bomb threat.

Like a good neighbor, stay over there.

I got a case of Corona. There are four bottles left.

They said that all I needed to go to Walmart was gloves and a mask. They lied. Everyone else there was fully clothed.

I am running out of toilet paper. How many pages are in The Art of the Deal?

Good Will is selling panties and underpants for 25 cents a pack. That’s cheaper than Charmin. I say, just shit ’em and forget ‘em.

Stay safe. Pray. Don’t forget how to laugh. Help others. Don’t give in to panic and depression. This too shall pass.



Rick Sweeney
Rick Sweeney

Written by Rick Sweeney

The Reverend Dr. Richard Sweeney, Rick, is a retired Presbyterian pastor and author. Rick lives with his wife, Prudy, in Greensburg, PA.

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