I have been hearing a lot about rights that people demand. Some people protested that they had the right to endanger the health of others by not distancing or wearing masks. Other people have claimed that they have the right to protest. Some even claim the right to destroy property because they have been the victims of injustice. Some police seem to think that they have the right to kill people of color without consequence.
But there is a major difference between our rights and what is right. If you are not concerned with the virus or think it’s a hoax, fine. Even stupid people have the right to their opinion. But you do not have the right to make others sick or over-run our medical system.
You have the right to protest and it was certainly justified; not just because of the murder of George Floyd, but also because of the systemic injustice and disregard of human rights for people of color. But I wonder, if after a while the protests have lost their message because thugs and criminals who may not even know who George Floyd was have turned it into an excuse to do damage to property. If that is the case, might it be the right time to do what is right instead of demanding your rights? And if you are one of the looters and burners, you have no rights to anything other than to be arrested and prosecuted just like violent racist cops should be arrested and prosecuted.
Therein lies the problem. Until justice is equal for all, it is not secure for any of us. When there is one standard of justice for whites and a different one for blacks, there is no justice and we can expect oppressed people to rise up. Dr.King said that a riot is the voice of the unheard. If my black son and my black brothers and sisters are not safe then my rights are just white privilege and there is no real justice.
Too many times, bad cops have caused the unwarranted death of people and have walked away from their crimes unpunished. Is it possible that other cops have gotten the message that they have the right to shoot first and ask questions later? All they have to do is to say that they “thought” he had a gun or I felt that my life was in danger from that young unarmed black kid running away. Listen there are good cops. But now is the time for them to do what is right and help to weed out these racist killers from their midst.
I appreciate my rights. But it is so much more important to DO what is right. Fixating on my rights at the expense of love, compassion and mercy contained in the substance of faith is wrong. If you read the Bible instead of using it as a prop, you would find that it calls us to move beyond individual rights and rigid legalism. It calls us to imitate the heart of God. “He has shown you what is right and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.” Micah 6: 8